ACCA Exam preparation!

Richard Clarke turn aCOWtancy into a habit

  • Tip 1: Start small

    A tiny habit is easier to stick to — and it’s fast! That’s why aCOWtancy classrooms take just 10-20 minutes of your day. 

    Aim to finish just 3 classrooms this first week, then increase that number once your habit feels natural.

  • Tip 2: Use aCOWtancy after a different habit

    Maybe try it straight after breakfast, or after a run, or after dinner - make it an extension of an existing habit

  • Tip 3: Use aCOWtancy emails as a reminder

    Thousands of you read the aCOWtancy emails - and really love them. 

    Many use it as a reminder to study so why not read the email and then say to yourself - right I'm going to do 1 classroom immediately... you'll be glad you did after a week only!

The more regularly you study, the quicker aCOWtancy will become just another part of your life.

That’s it! Turning aCOWtancy into a habit starts small. Now that you know the secret, begin your ACCA passing  journey

H/T Luminosity

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