Top Tips to Pass the ACCA Financial Management (FM) Exam
From the examiner and I
Use this as your guiding light throughout your FM course, whether you take it using our online classroom or at your local college.
Ok here goes...
How to answer the first 30 MCQs
Use the MCQ answer paper on page 2 of your answer booklet - and obviously have a go at ALL of them - guessing the ones you're totally unsure of.
There's no marks for workings as their marked by a computer - so you either get it right (2 marks) or wrong (0 marks).
The 2 x 20 mark questions
These will be on either working capital management, business finance or investment appraisal.
You can't be an expert in the whole syllabus - but you can get a base knowledge and thats key to passing this exam.
This means not missing out the areas that don't come as 20 mark questions, as they will come out as MCQs.
Moreover it means not missing out the narrative sections of the syllabus - these are EASY marks once you get used to them - they're pretty much the same and repeat themselves a lot - so get practising those past papers!
Don't forget the format of the paper changed in September 2016 but practising questions before this will still help your technique a lot.
Ok that's all from me (and the examiner) for today - hope you found it useful - and see our online classroom for more of the same throughout the syllabus.
Best wishes,