FM (F9) ACCA Exam Tips

Richard Clarke

Before the FM exam..

  1. Ensure you know just the BASICS of all syllabus areas - remember everything can come up now - but only at a basic level. 

    Ask yourself - do i know the profitability index? If not - then get back to the classroom and go through the revision course today!

  2. Practice the BIG QUESTIONS - these are WACC, Working capital, NPV, Business Valuations and FOREX - just look at past papers and review the answers on acowtancy exam centre. 

    Then once in a while have a go at one yourself.

  3. Make sure you know the WORDY bits - I have sent out 3 great emails covering most of these - see these on my twitter @rcatweets or acowtancy Facebook. 

    The same questions keep coming up so make sure you know, for example, when to use a specific project cost of capital, or if there's a perfect cost of capital or about market efficiencies etc.

  4. Watch my video or read the article on managing foreign receivables.

  5. Watch the Summary course on acowtancy 3 times over!

    FM Great Summary Course

Keep at it
