How long should it take to study FR?

Richard Clarke

ACCA FR Exam Preparation Advice

How long does it take to study FR?

1. Typical Study Duration

  • Three Months: Many students find that three months of dedicated study is sufficient if they have a structured plan and use their time effectively. This period allows for comprehensive coverage of the syllabus, practice with past papers, and revision.
  • Longer Preparation: Some students prefer to extend their preparation to six months, especially if they are balancing full-time work or other commitments. This extended period can reduce stress and provide more time for thorough understanding and practice.

2. Factors to Consider

  • Background Knowledge: If you have exemptions from previous papers or a strong grasp of Financial Accounting (FA), you may find three months adequate. However, if you need to refresh foundational knowledge, consider a longer preparation period.
  • Study Habits: Consistent, focused study sessions are more effective than cramming. Assess your ability to stick to a study schedule and manage your time efficiently. Make sure you know THE BASICS of every accounting standard
  • Exam Dates and Deadlines: Be aware of the exam entry deadlines and ensure you can commit to the study schedule required for the next exam session.

Effective Study Techniques

1. Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage

  • Understand the Syllabus: Familiarise yourself with the entire FR syllabus and ensure you cover all topics. The syllabus includes various accounting standards and their applications.
  • Revise Previous Papers: Refresh your knowledge from FA and other relevant papers to ensure you are confident with the assumed knowledge.

2. Practice and Application

  • Practice Past Papers: Regularly practice past exam papers under timed conditions. This helps you get familiar with the exam format and improve your time management.

3. Time Management

  • Create a Study Plan: Develop a detailed study schedule that allocates time for each topic, practice sessions, and revision. Stick to this plan to ensure you cover all necessary material within your chosen study period.
  • Regular Breaks: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Effective time management includes balancing study with rest.


If you have three months to dedicate to studying for the FR exam and can commit to a structured study plan, it is possible to be well-prepared for the next exam session, from when receiving your results for the last session. Good luck!