Essential Improvements for High Scores in ACCA ATX Exam: Examiner's Feedback Summary

Georgina Roberts

Key Points From the ATX Examiners

The Examiners Feedback highlights different areas from across the paper where students can significantly improve their scores. 
The Feedback reports are a vital study tool but we get it, sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day, or the will or energy to diligently scroll through page after page.

The most recent full report is 21 pages long! So we've made it easy for you and gathered all the key take-aways right here.

Read on, and take note of the knowledge specific topics they say students must know confidently and by the end of reading this summary, you should have a really clear understanding of how you can score highly in your ATX exam.

Applying Knowledge Accurately

  • Precision in Technical Knowledge
    Demonstrate a deep understanding of tax rules and regulations.
    Avoid generic answers and tailor responses to the specifics of the question.

  • Linking Facts to Rules
    Apply tax rules to the given scenarios accurately.
    Make connections between the facts presented and their tax implications.

Enhancing Calculation and Method Display

  1. Show All Workings
    Provide detailed steps and methods used in calculations.
    Even if the final answer is incorrect, method marks can still be earned.

  2. Avoid Calculator-Only Solutions
    Do not rely solely on calculators; document all intermediate steps.

Improving Knowledge of Specific Topics

  1. Ethics and Professional Conduct
    Be prepared for questions on ethical issues and client relationships.
    Understand the importance of compliance and due diligence in tax advice.

  2. Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax
    Accurately calculate gains and understand reliefs and exemptions.
    Be clear on how tax rates and bands apply to different scenarios.

  3. Business and Investment Taxation
    Know the rules for pre-trading expenditure, capital allowances, and VAT.
    Recognize how tax applies to investments and business structures.

Developing Professional Skills

  1. Communication:
    Write clearly and in a structured manner.
    Use short, concise paragraphs to convey information effectively.

  2. Analysis and Evaluation:
    Apply knowledge to assess and evaluate scenarios critically.
    Make appropriate use of facts and figures given in the questions.

  3. Commercial Acumen:
    Understand and reflect the practical and commercial context of tax issues

  4. Scepticism
    Question and scrutinise the provided information.
    Identify any areas requiring further clarification or information.

Improving Time Management

  1. Allocate Time Wisely:
    Spend time on each question part according to its mark allocation.
    Avoid spending excessive time on one section at the expense of others.

  2. Plan Before Writing:
    Think through the issues and plan the answer strategy before starting.
    Ensure that all parts of the question are addressed within the allotted time.

Keys To Success

In conclusion, by following the examiners advice and feedback all candidates can improve their performance and increase their chances of scoring high in the ACCA ATX exam. Their final note is this:

  • Have accurate and thorough knowledge of tax rules.

  • Effectively apply your knowledge to the exam scenarios.

  • Carefully read and address all question requirements.

  • Have an exam strategy: planning and time management

If you're taking ATX next, now's a great time to get started on the Classroom. You'll be leaving yourself plenty of time for practise and revision after completing each class.

Get stuck in and good luck with your ATX studies!