Is it okay to answer an SBR question by relating it to the scenario if I get stuck, and do you have any tips on how to best use my time

Richard Clarke

SBR Exam Tips

SBR Exam Tips

Answering Questions Without Textbook Knowledge

While it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant accounting standards, the SBR exam places a significant emphasis on applying this knowledge to real-world scenarios. If you find it challenging to recall specific definitions or textbook knowledge, you can still score well by effectively linking your answers to the scenario provided. Here are some strategies:

  • Application Over Memorisation: Focus on how the principles of the standards apply to the given scenario. Even if you can't recall the exact wording, explaining the impact on financial statements or stakeholders can earn you marks.
  • Use Plain English: Write in clear, simple language. Avoid complex jargon if you're unsure about the exact terms. The key is to communicate your understanding effectively.
  • Structure Your Answers: Use headings and short paragraphs to organise your thoughts. This makes it easier for the examiner to follow your logic and award marks for relevant points.

Tips for the Day Before the Exam

  • Review Key Concepts: Go over the main accounting standards and their applications. Focus on understanding the principles rather than memorising definitions.
  • Practice Past Questions: Attempt a few past exam questions under timed conditions. This will help you get used to the format and improve your time management skills.
  • Plan Your Answers: Spend some time planning how you would approach different types of questions. This includes identifying the key issues, structuring your answers, and allocating time to each part of the question.
  • Rest and Relax: Ensure you get a good night's sleep. Being well-rested will help you think more clearly during the exam.

Exam Day Strategy

  • Reading and Planning Time: Use the first 15 minutes to read through all the questions and plan your approach. Identify the questions you feel most confident about and start with those.
  • Time Management: Allocate your time based on the marks available for each question. Be strict with yourself and move on when your time is up for a particular question.
  • Show Your Workings: For numerical questions, show all your workings. Even if your final answer is incorrect, you can still earn marks for the correct method.
  • Focus on the Scenario: Relate your answers to the scenario provided. This demonstrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, which is a key aspect of the SBR exam.

By focusing on these strategies, you can maximise your chances of success in the SBR exam. Good luck!