Opinions on the 3 options (if passed AAA) - ATX , APM or AFM.

Richard Clarke

Advanced Taxation (ATX)

  • Focus: ATX covers complex tax issues, building on the knowledge from the TX paper.
  • Skills Required: Strong understanding of tax laws, ability to apply tax planning and compliance strategies.
  • Exam Nature: Extensive syllabus with a lot of detailed knowledge required. It involves both calculations and written explanations.
  • Pass Rates: Recent pass rates are around 49%
  • Difficulty: Many students find ATX challenging due to the volume of content and the need for precise knowledge. However, if you enjoyed tax in college, you might find it more engaging.

Advanced Performance Management (APM)

  • Focus: APM is centered on strategic performance management, decision-making, and performance measurement.
  • Skills Required: Analytical skills, ability to provide strategic recommendations, and commercial acumen.
  • Exam Nature: Less calculation-heavy, more subjective with a focus on providing recommendations and applying concepts to scenarios
  • Pass Rates: Recent pass rates are around 33%
  • Difficulty: Some students find APM difficult due to its subjective nature and the need for strong exam technique. It aligns well with SBL, so if you enjoyed SBL, APM might be a good fit.

Advanced Financial Management (AFM)

  • Focus: AFM involves advanced financial management techniques, including risk management, investment appraisal, and financial strategy.
  • Skills Required: Strong technical skills in financial management and quantitative analysis.
  • Exam Nature: More technical with a mix of calculations and theory. Requires a solid understanding of financial management principles
  • Pass Rates: Recent pass rates are around 46%
  • Difficulty: AFM is considered highly technical and can be challenging if you do not work in finance. However, with thorough practice, it is manageable.

Considerations for Choosing Your Final Paper

  • Interest and Strengths: Choose a paper that aligns with your interests and strengths. If you enjoyed tax, ATX might be more engaging for you.
  • Career Goals: Consider how each paper aligns with your career aspirations. For example, AFM is beneficial for roles in finance, while APM is useful for strategic management positions.
  • Study Resources: Use aCOWTancy online classroom - simple, straight to the point and exam focussed


Each paper has its own challenges and benefits. ATX can be a good choice if you have a strong interest in tax and are willing to handle a detailed syllabus. APM is suitable if you prefer strategic analysis and less calculation. AFM is ideal if you have a strong technical background in finance. Ultimately, choose the paper that aligns best with your interests, strengths, and career goals. Good luck!