What to do when you got 49% in APM

Richard Clarke

APM Exam Advice

Advice for APM Exam

Reflect and Analyse

  • Identify Weak Areas: Reflect on your recent exam attempt to identify specific areas where you might have lost marks. Was it due to poor time management, misunderstanding the questions, or not covering the entire syllabus? Reviewing the examiner's report can provide insights into common pitfalls.
  • Exam Technique: Often, a marginal fail can be attributed to exam technique rather than lack of knowledge. Make sure you understand the importance of reading and answering the question asked, structuring your answers properly, and managing your time effectively during the exam.

Study Resources and Practice

  • How aCOWtancy can help: Go through the classroom. After each and every class - stop and ask yourself - can I explain the basics of this to my friend?
  • Practice Questions: Engage in as much question practice as possible. This will help you get better at applying your knowledge to different scenarios and improve your ability to explain your points convincingly.
  • Ethics and Professional Skills Module (EPSM): Completing the EPSM can significantly improve your chances of passing, as students who complete this module before their Strategic Professional exams have a 25% better success rate.

Exam Strategy

  • Professional Skills: By constantly using the scenario and answering the question set, rather than regurgitating knowledge, you will automatically score the professional skills marks. These include communication, analysis and evaluation, skepticism, and commercial acumen. Demonstrating these skills effectively can make a significant difference in your score.
  • Holistic Approach: APM requires a strategic and holistic approach. Make sure you cover the entire syllabus and are prepared to apply your knowledge to various business scenarios.

Support and Motivation

  • Study Groups: Join study groups or forums like aCOWtancy ACCA Facebook group and Instagram where you can discuss your thoughts with peers who are in a similar situation. This can provide moral support and new insights into tackling the exam.
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with business news and real-world scenarios. This will help you develop the commercial acumen needed for the APM exam.
  • Positive Mindset: Stay positive and motivated. Remember that many students face similar challenges, and persistence is key. Reflect on how far you've come in your ACCA journey and use that as motivation to push through this final hurdle.

By focusing on these strategies you can improve your performance and finally achieve the pass you deserve. Good luck!