Syllabus C2
Income from employment and Class 1 NIC 2 / 6
a) Identify assessable income
i) salaries
ii) commissions
iii) bonuses
iv) benefits.
b) Define and illustrate the basis of assessment for:
i) directors
ii) others.
c) Identify the principal categories of deductions and illustrate their scope (no detail on pension contributions at this point)
i) payroll giving
ii) subscriptions
iii) travelling expenses
iv) expenses incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the performance of duties.
d) Identify the information required on a P11D
e) Identify and calculate benefits.
f) Compute aggregate income
i) all income
ii) benefits
iii) expenses.
g) Identify source documents required to complete tax returns
i) interest statements
ii) receipts for expenses
iii) Form P11D
iv) Form P60.
h) Compute basic Class 1 National Insurance Contributions
i) employees
ii) employers (includingclass1A)
iii) weekly/monthly computations.
i) Understand the annual employment allowance.