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Question 5b ii

(b) Horner:
– Horner owns all of the shares of Otmar Ltd.
– All of the income of Otmar Ltd is subject to the personal service company (IR 35) rules.
– Budgeted figures for Otmar Ltd for the year ending 5 April 2014 are set out below. Where applicable, these amounts are stated exclusive of value added tax (VAT).

Income in respect of relevant engagements carried out by Horner 85,000
Costs of administering the company 3,900
Horner’s annual salary 50,000
Dividend paid to Horner 15,000
Contributions paid into an occupational pension scheme in respect of Horner 2,000

(ii) Calculate the deemed employment income of Horner for the year ending 5 April 2014. (4 marks)

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