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Question 1b

Your manager has had a meeting with Jonny who is establishing a new business. An extract from an email from your manager, a schedule and a computation are set out below.

Extract from the email from your manager
Jonny was born in 1968. His new business will begin trading on 1 November 2015. Jonny will use an inheritance he received following the death of his mother to finance this new venture. We have been asked to advise Jonny on his business and his inheritance. Some of the work has already been done; I want you to complete it.

Please prepare a memorandum for Jonny's client file addressing the following issues:

(b) Jonny's inheritance from his mother

Jonny's mother died on 31 July 2015. She left the whole of her estate, with the exception of a gift to charity, to Jonny. I attach a computation of the inheritance tax due; this was prepared by a junior member of staff and has not yet been reviewed. I can confirm, however, that all of the arithmetic, dates and valuations are correct. In addition, there were no other lifetime gifts, and none of the assets qualified for business property relief.

I want you to review the computation and identify any errors. You should explain each of the errors you find and calculate the value of the inheritance which Jonny will receive after inheritance tax has been paid.

Tax manager

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