ACCA FA Syllabus F. Preparing Basic Financial Statements - Non current assets including tangible and in tangible assets - Notes 2 / 5
Property, Plant and Equipment
For each class of property, plant and equipment, disclose
basis for measuring carrying amount
depreciation method(s) used
useful lives or depreciation rates
gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period, showing:
o additions
o disposals
o acquisitions through business combinations
o revaluation increases or decreases
o impairment losses
o reversals of impairment losses
o depreciation
o net foreign exchange differences on translation
o other movements
Revalued amounts
If property, plant, and equipment is stated at revalued amounts, certain additional disclosures are required:
the effective date of the revaluation
whether an independent valuer was involved
the methods and significant assumptions used in estimating fair values
for each revalued class of property, the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model
the revaluation surplus, including changes during the period and any restrictions on the distribution of the balance to shareholders
land & building | machinery | office equipment | total | |
$ | $ | $ | $ | |
cost or valuation | ||||
at 1 january 2010 | 50000 | 10000 | 8000 | 68000 |
revaluation surplus | 12000 | 2000 | 2000 | 16000 |
additions in year | 4000 | 4000 | --- | 8000 |
disposals in year | -1000 | -1000 | --- | -2000 |
------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | |
at 31 december 2010 | 65000 | 15000 | 10000 | 90000 |
===== | ===== | ===== | ===== | |
depreciation | ||||
at 1 january 2010 | 16000 | 6000 | 4000 | 26000 |
charge for year | 4000 | 3000 | 2000 | 9000 |
eliminated on disposals | -500 | -500 | --- | -1000 |
------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | |
at 31 december 2010 | 19500 | 8500 | 6000 | 34000 |
===== | ===== | ===== | ===== | |
carrying amount | ||||
at 31 december 2010 | 45500 | 6500 | 4000 | 56000 |
===== | ===== | ===== | ===== | |
at 1 january 2010 | 34000 | 4000 | 4000 | 42000 |
Intangible non-current assets (IAS 38)
For each class of intangible asset, disclose
useful life or amortisation rate
amortisation method
gross carrying amount
accumulated amortisation and impairment losses
line items in the statement of profit or loss in which amortisation is included
reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period showing:
o additions (business combinations separately)
o assets held for sale
o retirements and other disposals
o revaluations
o impairments
o reversals of impairments
o amortisation
o foreign exchange differences
o other changesbasis for determining that an intangible has an indefinite life
description and carrying amount of individually material intangible assets
certain special disclosures about intangible assets acquired by way of government grants
information about intangible assets whose title is restricted
contractual commitments to acquire intangible assets
Additional disclosures
Additional disclosures are required about:
intangible assets carried at revalued amounts
the amount of research and development expenditure recognised as an expense in the current period
development expenditure | |
$ | |
net book value at 1 april 20x0 | x |
additions | x |
amortisation charge | (x) |
disposals | (x) |
---- | |
net book value at 31 march 20x1 | x |
=== | |
at 31 march 20x0 | |
cost | x |
accumulated amortisation | (x) |
---- | |
net book value | x |
=== | |
at 31 march 20x1 | |
cost | x |
accumulated amortisation | (x) |
---- | |
net book value | x |
=== |