ATX UK Textbook Syllabus
Search- A1aThe scope of income tax
- A1aIncome from employment
- A1aIncome from self-employment
- A1aProperty and investment income
- A1aNational insurance contributions for employed and self-employed persons
- A1aThe comprehensive computation of taxable income and income tax liability
- A1aThe use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimising income tax liabilities
- A1bThe Scope of Income Tax
- A1cIncome from employment
- A1dIncome from self employment
- A1eProperty and investment income
- A1fIncome tax computation and income tax liability
- A1gExemptions and Reliefs for I.T.
- Income tax - In the exam
- A2aThe scope of the taxation of capital gains
- A2aThe basic principles of computing gains and losses
- A2aGains and losses on the disposal of movable and immovable property
- A2aGains and losses on the disposal of shares and securities
- A2aThe use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimising tax liabilities arising on the disposal of capital assets
- A2bThe scope of CGT
- A2cTrusts
- A2dPrinciples of computing gains and losses
- A2eDisposal of movable and immovable property
- A2fDisposals of shares and securities
- A2gExemptions and Reliefs for C.G.T.
- A2In the exam
- A3aBasic principles of computing transfers of value
- A3aIHT arising on lifetime transfers and on death
- A3aExemptions to defer / minimise IHT
- A3bThe scope of IHT
- A3cComputing transfers of value
- A3dIHT liabilities on lifetime transfers during life and death
- A3eTrusts
- A3fIHT planning
- A3gIHT administration
- A3In the exam
- A4aThe scope of corporation tax
- A4aTaxable total profits
- A4aChargeable gains for companies
- A4aThe comprehensive computation of corporation tax liability
- A4aGroup corporate structure for C.T.
- A4bThe scope of CT
- A4cTaxable total profits
- A4dThe corporation tax liability
- A4eGroup Structure for C.T.
- A4fExemptions and reliefs for C.T.
- A4: In the exam
- A6aThe VAT registration requirements
- A6aComputation of VAT liabilities
- A6aThe effect of special schemes
- A6aAdditional Material
- A6bThe overall function and purpose of taxation
- A6bPrincipal sources of revenue law and practice
- A6bThe systems for self-assessment and the making of returns
- A6bThe Time Limits
- A6bThe Procedures relating to compliance checks, appeals and disputes
- A6bPenalties for non-compliance
- A6biOffshore Matters
Chapter 1
Professional marks
Professional skills
The 4 Professional Skills
Syllabus A1
Income tax
A1aIncome from employment
The factors - employment or self-employment
Basis of assessment for employment income
Income assessable
Allowable deductions
PAYE System
The authorised mileage allowances
Use and gift benefit
Living accomodation
Motor cars, Vans and private fuel benefit
Beneficial loan benefit
Other benefits
RTI Reporting
A1aIncome from self-employment
Basis of assessment for self employment income
Badges of trade
Allowable expenditure
Cash Basis
Relief for pre-trading expenditure
Capital allowances
Relief for trading losses
Partnerships and limited liability partnerships
A1aProperty and investment income
Computation of property business profits
Furnished holiday lettings
Rent a room relief
Premiums granted for short leases
Property income finance costs
Property business loss relief
Tax payable on savings and dividend income/Income tax computation/Income tax payable
Savings income starting rate band
Individual Savings Accounts and other tax exempt investments
A1aNational insurance contributions for employed and self-employed persons
Class 1 and 1A NIC
Class 4 NIC
The annual employment allowance
A1aThe comprehensive computation of taxable income and income tax liability
Personal allowance
Transferable Personal Allowance
Qualifying loans
Gift aid donations
A1aThe use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimising income tax liabilities
Basic income tax planning
A1bThe Scope of Income Tax
Residence and Domicile for Income Tax
Coming to and leaving the UK
OECD Model and Double Taxation Relief
A1cIncome from employment
Share option/Share incentive schemes
Lump sum receipts
Personal Service Companies
A1dIncome from self employment
Transfer of a business to a company
Related companies - Annual Investment Allowance
A1eProperty and investment income
Jointly owned property by a married couple/civil partners
Savings income paid net of tax
Income tax position of trusts
A1fIncome tax computation and income tax liability
Allocation of the personal allowance
Tax position of minor children
A1gExemptions and Reliefs for I.T.
EIS and SEIS Investment Relief
VCT Investment Relief
Syllabus A2
Chargeable gains
A2aThe scope of the taxation of capital gains
The scope of capital gains tax
Assets which are exempt
A2aThe basic principles of computing gains and losses
The treatment of capital gains
The treatment of capital losses
Allowable expenditure on a part disposal
A2aGains and losses on the disposal of movable and immovable property
Chattels and wasting assets
Principal private residence relief
A2aThe use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimising tax liabilities arising on the disposal of capital assets
Entrepreneurs' relief
Investors Relief
Rollover relief
Holdover relief
Capital gains tax planning
A2bThe scope of CGT
Transfers between husband and wife or civil partners
Residence, Domicile and Deemed Domicile for CGT
Double tax relief
Temporary Absence
UK Located Land and Buildings
Partnership Disposals
A2dPrinciples of computing gains and losses
Connected Persons
Date of disposal
Capital losses in tax year of death
A2eDisposal of movable and immovable property
Small part disposals of land
Disposal of wasting assets
Insurance proceeds received for a damaged/lost/destroyed asset.
Negligible Value Claims
A2gExemptions and Reliefs for C.G.T.
EIS Reinvestment Relief
SEIS Reinvestment Relief
Associated disposals for Entrepreneurs’ Relief / Business asset disposal relief
Transferring a business to a company
A2In the exam
Syllabus A3
Inheritance Tax
A3aBasic principles of computing transfers of value
Chargeable persons
Diminution in value principle
7 year accumulation principle
A3aIHT arising on lifetime transfers and on death
Tax implications of lifetime transfers
Transfer of unused NRB between spouses
Residence NRB
A3cComputing transfers of value
Principles of valuation
ii.Business property and agricultural property relief
Exempt transfers
A3dIHT liabilities on lifetime transfers during life and death
Transfer of value, Chargeable Transfer, Potentially Exempt Transfer
Taper Relief
IHT liability on the death estate
Fall in value of lifetime gifts
Quick succession relief
Double tax relief for inheritance tax
Deed of variation
Syllabus A4
Corporation Tax
A4aThe scope of corporation tax
Period of account and CAP
Residency of a company
A4aTaxable total profits
Allowable expenditure in calculating T.A.T.P.
Relief for pre-trading expenditure
Capital allowances
Property business profits/losses - for Companies
Relief for Trading losses - for Companies
Current year relief of trading losses
Carry back relief of trading losses
The carry back of a loss - periods of less than 12 months
Carry forward relief of trading losses
Terminal loss relief
Factors that influence choice of loss relief claim
Loan relationship rules
Qualifying charitable donations
Computation of taxable total profits
A4aChargeable gains for companies
Capital gains computation
Capital losses
Disposals of shares by companies, with share identification rules
Bonus issues, rights issues, takeovers and reorganisations
Rollover relief
A4aThe comprehensive computation of corporation tax liability
Compute the corporation tax liability
A4bThe scope of CT
Companies with investment businesses
Close companies
Accounting periods on winding up
Tax treatment of returns on winding up
Purchase by a company of its own shares
A4cTaxable total profits
Research and development expenditure
Non trading deficit
Intangible fixed assets
Transfer Pricing
Restriction on the use of losses
A4dThe corporation tax liability
Permanent establishment
Controlled foreign companies
Overseas company trading in the UK
Double taxation relief
Syllabus A5
Stamp Taxes
A5bLiabilities arising on transfers
Shares and securities
Syllabus A6
Value Added Tax
A6aThe VAT registration requirements
VAT Registration - Compulsory and Voluntary
Circumstances for pre-registration VAT can be recovered
Conditions for companies to be treated as VAT group
A6aComputation of VAT liabilities
Calculate the amount of VAT payable/recoverable
Understand how VAT is accounted for and administered
Recognise the tax point when goods or services are supplied
Information that must be given on a VAT invoice
Principles regarding the valuation of supplies
Principal zero rated and exempt supplies
Circumstances in which input VAT is non-deductible
Relief available for impairment losses on trade debts
Default surcharge and penalty for incorrect VAT return
Treatment of imports to the UK exports from the UK
A6aThe effect of special schemes
Operation of and advantages of VAT special schemes
A6aAdditional Material
Land and Buildings
VAT implications of partial exemption
Capital goods scheme
Transfer of a going concern
A6bThe overall function and purpose of taxation
The purpose of tax
The differences between different types of tax.
A6bPrincipal sources of revenue law and practice
The overall structure of the UK tax system
The different sources of revenue law and HMRC terms of reference.
The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion
The interaction of the UK tax system with other tax jurisdictions
The need for an ethical and professional approach
A6bThe systems for self-assessment and the making of returns
The features of self- assessment for Individuals
The features of self- assessment system for companies
A6bThe Time Limits
Timings for Amendments and Chargeability
Timings for Payments of Tax
Timings for Claims
Retention of business records
A6bThe Procedures relating to compliance checks, appeals and disputes
Compliance checks and self assessment
A6bPenalties for non-compliance
Calculate late payment interest and state the penalties that can be charged.
A6biOffshore Matters
Offshore Matters
Syllabus B
Financial Decisions made by a business
B2Alternative ways of achieving outcomes
Alternative ways of achieving outcomes
B3Different types of finance and investment
Debt or equity?
Syllabus C