ACCA FA Syllabus A. The Context And Purpose Of Financial Reporting - Nature, principles and scope of financial reporting - Notes 5 / 5
Reporting the results
Financial accounting is mainly a method of reporting the results and financial position of a business. It is not primarily concerned with providing information towards the more efficient running of the business. In fact, financial accounting provides historical (past) information.
Management need to plan for the future. They require detailed information as they are responsible to plan and control the resources of the business. Management (or cost) accounting analyses data to provide information as a basis for managerial action
Advantages and disadvantages of operating
Syllabus A. The Context And Purpose Of Financial Reporting
A1. The Scope and Purpose of, Financial Statements
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The users of financial statements
Syllabus A. The Context And Purpose Of Financial Reporting
A2. Users’ and Stakeholders’ Needs