Measuring Risk 5 / 13

Measurement of Risk

Measurement of risk considers the financial risk incurred by borrowing.


  • Capital gearing is concerned with the amount of debt in a company’s long-term capital structure.  It provides a long-term measure of liquidity. It can be calculated as:-

    Long-Term Debt            x 100%
    Long-term Debt + Equity

    If the firm has excessive debt, then the need to pay interest before dividends will increase the risks faced by shareholders if profits fall.

Interest Cover

  • Interest cover is expressed as:

    Profit before interest and tax = Number of times
    Interest paid

    This ratio represents the number of times that interest could be paid out of profit before interest and tax.


Long term liabilities $20,000
Shareholders funds and reserves $30,000
Operating profit (PBIT) $5,000
Finance cost $1,000

What is the capital gearing ratio?

20,000/(20,000+30,000) * 100% = 40%

What is the interest cover ratio?

5,000/1,000 = 5 times

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